Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Wrapping Gifts Dream Nov 22, 2020

 We went to someone's house to wrap gifts. As we were leaving we wanted to make sure that we put everything back and didn't leave anything behind.  Problem, we didn't have permission to be there. The family came home.  Then our family appeared.  There we were with half wrapped gifts and our kids intently looking at everything. 

Season Greetings!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Time to Look For an Oven November 15, 2020

 In my dream my son asked if we could get takeout.  I asked if he liked what we got yesterday.  Today I am looking for an oven.  I heard that delivery time is pretty long for some appliances.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Holiday Dinner Dream November 13, 2020

 I walked in the kitchen and there were dishes piled in a drying bin.  They looked clean.  There was no food made.  I walked in the living room and saw all the kids sitting on couches with the television on.  I said everyone under 18 get up and help out.  I saw a pile of newspapers, gathered them up and took them to the recycle bin.  My friend came over.  I said my mom wanted to play the hug game even though it looked more like a tickle game.  I said not likely during the pandemic.

Another friend came over and was asking for the tool that took all your symptons electronically just by scanning your head similar to the new temperature monitors.

Good luck everyone!  Stay safe!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Volunteer at a School Dream Nov 8 2020

 This dream was in current times.  Self distancing and masks were appropriate.  Someone was taking me to an attic to show me around.  We stopped in what looked like a grand hotel room.  There was a pool table, couches, chairs, bedrooms and tvs.  Someone was talking about Corona Virus and was praying while watching the news.  I asked the person if I could leave.  I mentioned that since I was volunteering that I got a job.  That seemed to be an issue because there would not be as much social distancing.  Although the people hanging out in that room did not seem to be social distancing.

On the way to the attic area there were a lot of things around many looked like Christmas decorations. There was a length of the room mirror that made it look larger and extra pool tables were in the mirror refection.

Congratulations President Elect Joe Biden!  May you have a great 8 years.