Wednesday, April 1, 2020


A few months ago a neighbor's dog was lost and at least five sets of neighbors were trying to locate the dog.  Luckily the dog was found.  Today with the state of affairs I don't know that the neighborhood could come together the same way.

I had a dream where my son was trying to take two dogs out for a walk at the same time.  While trying to get the leash on the other the dog the first dog opened the door and ran out.  We already knew he was a runner.  My daughter went out after him.  My son went out after him.  My husband and I went after him.  I was following my daughter for a bit.  I know she had green shorts on and probably a green top.  At one point I could not see her anymore but when walking with my husband I saw someone that looked like her.  It wasn't her.  Now we had a dog and a child missing.  At one point my husband and I got split up.  I talked to a lady whose dog had passed away.  She said that she had not seen the dog.  I had just been behind her house and there seemed to be some type of fence between her yard and the next door neighbor's yard.  I was so turned around I had no idea which way my daughter had gone and even where I was located.

I came upon a large building that appeared to be being teared down.  It didn't look like any building I had seen before.  Next I saw some people sitting at a ball field.  One family looked slightly familiar.  Next I saw an athletic club with a friend going in.  She confirmed where I was located.  At least now I knew where I was and I wasn't too far from home.  I called my son to see to see if he had located the dog.  My daughter probably did not have a chance to grab her cell phone and I was afraid it would be getting dark soon.  My dream ended there.

I don't always remember my dreams. It probably depends if you are still dreaming when you wake up.

It is probably time to get some type of locator device for our pets.  I was pretty tired of searching for my dog when I awoke.

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